If you click on the images above and below, you should be able to read two reviews, written by Catherine Whipple (source unknown), and Mary Pierpoint (Indian Country, read full review here).
Some of the books and essays in which Vera Manuel's plays and playwrighting are discussed include:
Native American Drama, A Critical Perspective, Christy Stanlake (Cambridge University Press), 2009
Footpaths & Bridges: Voices from the Native American Women Playwrights Archive, Shirley Huston-Findley & Rebecca Howard, eds. (University of Michigan Press), 2008
The Native American Women Playwrights Archive: Adding Voices, Rebecca Howard
An Introduction to the North American Indian Drama Collection, Christy Stanlake
A companion to twentieth century American Drama, David Krasner, Blackwell, 2005
Monologues for Actors of Color, Women, Roberta Uno, ed. Routlege, 2000
Beyond the Pale: Dramatic Writing from First Nations Writers & Writers of Colour, Yvette Nolan
Vera's play is published in full in this book:
Online article & discussion: Indianz.com
See also: "Theatre that heals communities"
My thanks to Joyce Johnson, for providing the images of the reviews/news clippings.
The final page of the Indian Country review doesn't seem to want to grow, so I've added a link to the full article on Indian Country Now website... if you go back up to where I mention the reviewer's names, & click on the words "Indian Country," you can read the full article.